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Farmer's Golden Life.

논문 1 Accept 후 절차 (3) English Proofreading Service(무료) 본문

학위취득/Ph.D in Engineering(완)

논문 1 Accept 후 절차 (3) English Proofreading Service(무료)

Dr. Gold. 2019. 10. 23. 05:55

논문을 약간 수정/Check하고 최종 Confirm해서 보낸 결과 최종 Accept가 됐다.

무료로 영문 검증해준다고 하는데 의사를 물어봤다.

한다고 메일을 보냈다.


아래 메일에서 보듯 논문이 최종 accept 되었다.

그리고 메일 중간에 써 있는데 사이트 들어가서 영어 proof reading 신청하길.


Dear Prof. XXX

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (JMST).

Paper Number: XXXX
Paper Title: XXXX
Authors: XXXX, YYYY

JMST provides English proofreading service to all the accepted manuscripts before publication. However, if English is your first language or your manuscript has already been English proofread, this service would not be necessary. English proofreading service is free of charge.

Please inform us via e-mail at whether your paper needs the proofreading service or not. If you do not reply to us within three days from the date you receive this e-mail, your manuscript will not be proofread.

Thank you very much for submitting your valuable work to our journal, and we look forward to receiving your work again in near future.

Sincerely yours,
